Thursday, September 12, 2019

Little Girls Haircut – Quick Face Framing Layers

Today I’m teaching you a little girls hair cut for cute face framing layers so you can cut your child’s hair at home.


This little girls hair cutting tutorial is easy to follow, is quick to replicate, and shows you what it’s really like to cut kids hair in this one take video! Watch and learn with me as we have fun in this silly children’s haircutting video.
I’m giving Mélia some face framing layers because her hair is curly and quite thick for a little four year old girl so this will lighten up her hair around her face. One length all around looks nice but having some face framing layers is going to be easier to manage (less hair) and prettier for a child. It’s not easy cutting children’s hair since they move so much so it’s important to get this done as quickly as possible, and honestly to just learn to do it at home yourself. Nobody expects a child’s hair to be perfect so don’t stress about getting it looking as good as an adult’s- I never do. This little girls hair cutting tutorial will show you how fussy a child can be and that it isn’t easy to have them sit still, so learning how to do this yourself at home quickly will save you all the stress of going to a salon.


1. Make a line from where her part and forehead meet, diagonally down to her ear.
2. Comb her hair forwards so her hair is perpendicular to her part(it should look like a T, the part being the top of the T and her hair making the stick of the T)
3. Cut her hair on an angle parallel to the part line you made. Aka, the same angle you see her part. Then let hair down.
4. Make a new section but on less of an angle this time. Make a part from the same top corner(where her forehead and part meet) to somewhere around half way up between her ear and the top of her head. Do not pull hair from BEHIND her ear.
5. Same as before, comb out her hair to be perpendicular to this NEW angle(which will be less angled, closer to straight across).


6. Find the guideline from your previous cut, and cut the new hairs off as close as possible to your last cut line, without cutting the hairs underneath off. Let hair down.
7. Comb all hair straight down, using the part(which is horizontal) as your line to comb the hair perpendicularly from.
8. See the line from your last cuts, and cut your new section alongside it.
9. Repeat on other side.

Enjoy your child’s fresh face framing layers!

I hope you understand this. I know I made a few verbal mistakes(in english and french!) in this cutting tutorial but ran with it anyway to show you the true nature of cutting children’s hair.

If you have any questions PLEASE feel free to ask! I’m here to help.

Thank you for stopping by today. Don’t forget to SUBSCRIBE and come back next week. LP Hair delivers fresh videos every Monday on everything to do with cutting and styling hair.

Laura – LP Hair

Article source here: Little Girls Haircut – Quick Face Framing Layers

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