Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Belgium: Juncker flips woman’s hair as leaders arrive for EC summit in Brussels

European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker flipped the hair of a female official at the EC headquarters entrance in Brussels on Friday, as the heads of EU states and governments arrived for the second day of the European council summit.

Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurz commented on the Brexit process while speaking to the press, saying “I think that it is necessary that we find a deal to handle the Brexit. We should avoid a ‘no deal’ scenario and we should make it possible that if the UK wants to leave the European Union, that we find a way how to do it and to minimise the damage for the European Union, but especially for the United Kingdom.”

Kurz also hailed what he called a “strengthening” of the European Border and Coast Guard Agency, or FRONTEX, which occurred during Austria’s currently-held rotating Presidency of the Council of the European Union.

Heads of state and government are meeting in Brussels on December 13 and 14 for a European Council summit.

The leaders are expected to discuss the EU’s long-term budget, the single market, migration, external relations and Brexit.

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Article source here: Belgium: Juncker flips woman’s hair as leaders arrive for EC summit in Brussels

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